Course Policies

Expectations for Student Effort

Students will typically be engaged in the following types of activities in an online course: attending and participating in class or listening to the class recording, reading, listening to/viewing media, participating in online discussions, conducting research, completing individual and team assignments, reviewing instructor feedback, meeting with team members, completing self-assessments, studying for and completing exams, etc. The most important step for being successful in an online graduate course is establish a schedule so that you have dedicated time each week for completing these class related activities – spread over multiple days. In general, students should expect to have a minimum of 6 hours outside class time per class for a 3-credit course. For Spring and Fall courses this equates to 6 hours outside class per week; for Summer courses this equates to 12 hours outside class per week. Other tips for being successful in an online program include learning from each other; keeping an open mind; becoming an advocate for online learning; and building a support structure of folks who will help you achieve your learning goals.

Attendance Policy

Students are responsible for any missed lecture notes and materials. Medical notes are not required for excused absences. One missed lecture will not affect participation grade.

Course Enrollment Maximum

ETM’s graduate level courses have considerable time commitments that include homework and required participatory obligations, in addition to class attendance. Therefore, it is recommended that students who work full-time limit their enrollment to one or two courses per semester to ensure student success. Enrolling in more than 6 credits during any given semester will require approval from ETM’s academic coordinator and the student’s faculty advisor.

Professional Oral and Written Presentations

Group of people in a meeting.

The WSU ETM master’s degree is a professional graduate program. It is expected that student work will be presented neatly and with correct English spelling, grammar and punctuation. There are numerous software packages available to help students present professional papers, homework and projects. Sloppy, poorly- written work will not be accepted. The professor will determine whether to ask for a rewrite or assign an “F”.

There are numerous software packages available to help students present professional papers, homework and projects. The Graduate and Professional Writing Center is available to help on-line students learn to revise and proofread their own work. Students must register and make an appointment on-line. You may submit up to 15 pages, double spaced. Contact the Center if you have questions.

Company Proprietary Information

Students should be careful not to discuss, present, or submit company proprietary information in this course. If students are not certain of the status of company related information, they should contact the proper authority in their company to ascertain whether the information is or is not company proprietary.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of higher education. As such, all members of the university community share responsibility for maintaining and promoting the principles of integrity in all activities, including academic integrity and honest scholarship. Academic integrity will be strongly enforced in this course. Violation of WSU’s Academic Integrity Policy (identified in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 504-26-010(3) and -404) may result in penalties up to and including failing the assignment, exam, quiz, course requirement, or the course itself and students will not have the option to withdraw from the course pending an appeal, and will be reported to the Office of Community Standards.

Cheating includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism and unauthorized collaboration as defined in the Standards of Conduct for Students, WAC 504-26-010(3). You need to read and understand all of the definitions of cheating. If you have any questions about what is and is not allowed in this course, you should ask course instructors before proceeding.

Undergraduate only: If you wish to appeal a faculty member’s decision relating to academic integrity, please use the form available at The WSU Community Standards Website.

ETM requires students to including the following statement on exams and other course assignments as required by the instructor:

I commit myself to Washington State University’s high standards to uphold academic honesty and scholarly values as established by the WSU’s Standards of Conduct. I affirm that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment/examination, that the work product presented here is the work of the author(s) [myself or all team members listed], and that all materials from other sources (including books, articles, Internet, or other media), whether quoted or paraphrased, have been properly cited.

<student signature>

Typing my name above serves as my signature

Incomplete Policy

An incomplete (I) grade is given to a student who, for reasons beyond the student’s control, is unable to complete the course requirements within the enrolled semester. An incomplete will only be considered if at least 50% of point assignments required in the course are completed and submitted by the end of the enrolled semester. The incomplete must be cleared and completed within one year following the semester in which the “I” grade was assigned. If the incomplete is not completed and a grade change is not submitted by the deadline, the grade will automatically change to an “F”.  A student may not simply repeat the course to remove an Incomplete grade. A student must have a written permission from their faculty advisor to register for future semesters if the student has two or more Incomplete grades on their transcripts.

If a student intends to graduate less than one year following the semester in which the ‘I’ grade was assigned, the student must clear the incomplete before the end of the semester that they intend to graduate or receive a certificate.   A student will not be allowed to graduate or receive a certificate with an Incomplete grade on their transcript. A student who desires an Incomplete grade must:

(1)  Notify the professor in writing,
(2)  Provide sufficient reason for the incomplete request,
(3)  Complete and submit an Incomplete Grade Agreement Form found at the Gradschool Website.

Revised: February 6, 2018

Disability Statement

WSU Online and the Access Center work together to provide reasonable accommodations for students who have documented disabilities and who are registered both with WSU Online and the Access Center.

It is important that you notify the Access Center as soon as possible of your needs or that you suspect that you may need accommodations so we can initiate the process with the Access Center and facilitate the appropriate accommodations. The Access Center will help students overcome potential obstacles so they may be successful in their area of study, and may refer students to other service programs that are able to assist students in achieving their academic goals.

All accommodations are authorized on an individual basis and must be approved through the Access Center. Call the Access Center at 509-335-3417 or email an Access Advisor at for further information and to request accommodations.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

WSU does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, creed, genetic information, marital status, protected veteran/military status, or immigration or citizenship status in any education program or activity that it operates complaint with Title IX and other civil rights laws and regulations. Inquiries regarding Title IX, ADA, or other civil rights laws, as well as reports of discrimination can be directed to the Compliance and Civil Rights, WSU ADA Coordinator, or WSU Title IX Coordinator. More information on WSU’s policies and procedures to respond to discrimination and harassment are available here: Nondiscrimination statement.  

Read our full notice of non-discrimination

Copyright Notice

The content of this program and the video transmissions of the classes are the property of Washington State University and are to be viewed and used only by persons currently enrolled in this course. The materials provided in this program are copyrighted and unauthorized duplication is not allowed without permission of the copyright holders. Any other use requires the express written consent of the Instructor.

Any course-related materials, presentations, lectures, etc. are the instructor’s intellectual property and may be protected by copyright. The use of University electronic resources for commercial purposes, including advertising to other students to buy notes, is a violation of WSU’s computer abuses and theft policy (WAC 504-26-218). Selling class notes through commercial note taking services without written advance permission from the faculty, could be viewed as be as copyright infringement and/or academic integrity violation, WAC 504-26-010 (3)(a,b,c,i).

Academic Regulations

Students enrolled in online courses are subject to the same University academic regulations as on-campus students. For the most accurate and up to date information go to Academic Regulations.