Two business professionals standing in front of white board discussing project

Project Management

Learn how to manage and control projects of any size


There are always significant challenges when required to deliver a unique product, service, or other result in a given time and with limited resources. The application of project management techniques provides the best chance for success in such endeavors. Project management courses will equip students with the technical skills and leadership competencies needed to successfully plan, execute, and deliver complex projects in various domains. The courses introduce data analysis tools, risk management techniques and communication strategies in order to lead teams and stakeholders toward project goals. Course work provides opportunities to develop critical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making skills to overcome challenges and adapt to changing environments.

Skills that Matter Most:

  • Communication
  • Problem Solving
  • Organization
  • Negotiation
  • Technical Expertise
  • Leadership

Read more about Project Management at the Project Management Institute website.

Benefits of Project Management

Applying a project management methodology can provide value to both you and your employer.

Achieving project management skills, you will:

  • Boost knowledge and skill for how aligning project outcomes and deliverables to organizational strategies, making sure project benefits are realized.
  • Increase your knowledge and understanding of key project management concepts and theories, providing confidence in managing complex projects.
  • Enhanced your leadership skills, that will enable you to build trusting relationships with project stakeholders.
  • Improve analytical and project control competencies, so that your projects stay on track without exceeding budgets or missing deadlines.

Your organization will also benefit as they will:

  • Infuse their organization’s culture with a projectized mindset, enabling the business to achieve goals by implementing new ideas, products, services, or technology, in order to deliver exceptional value to the customers, while sustaining a competitive edge.
  • Employ trained and experienced professionals, capable of managing projects in response to fast changing global demands.
  • Practice project governance for selecting project that result in measurable benefits that deliver greater value to the organization.
  • Maintain a robust understanding and increased visibility into the work and resources required of each project, thus being able to make high level organizational decisions in a timely manner.


Students must successfully complete four courses (12 credit hours).

Masters Program (METM)

The ETM program is specifically tailored for technical professionals who want to advance their careers while still working full time. METM Combines technical and business skill development meant for managing and leading engineering/ science/ technical teams, projects, and organizations.

Graduate Certificate Programs

The ETM graduate certificate program allows students to complete shorter professional blocks of coursework relevant to their specific needs.

Cougar logo on the Chinook building.


The Power of PERT

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, successful project management is a critical factor that can make or break an organization’s success. When dealing with complex projects, having a robust and structured approach becomes paramount. One such approach that has proven its mettle over time is the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) analysis. This article will delve into the world of PERT analysis, understanding its benefits and drawbacks, and how it can optimize project management efficiency.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

By Jim Jones The world has witnessed three transformative industrial revolutions that reshaped societies, economies, and individual lives. This is a period marked by the convergence of technologies that sit comfortably between the physical, digital, and biological. As we work through this new era of change, it is important for businesses and individuals to understand […]


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