Letter from the ETM Director

Dear ETM Students,

We are very excited to welcome you back to another academic year at the Engineering and Technology Management Program. We hope you had a fantastic and restful summer filled with some fun and relaxation. 

Headshot of Luna Magpili.

We are eager to reconnect with you. This year promises to be filled with engaging new learning experiences, exciting events, and opportunities to grow both academically and personally. We have some new faculty joining us. Aureo Villagra who will be teaching the thinking processes in EM526 Constraints Management. He is an electrical engineer, MBA, and Global Partner at Goldratt Consulting. Shirin Shahsavand who will be teaching EM560 Integrated Supply Chain Management. She will be completing her PhD in Operations Management with expertise in Supply Chains. We also have Drs. Russ Johnson and Jeff Rogers who are rejoining us from private industry. Dr. Johnson is active in Theory of Constraints community and Dr. Rogers comes from the utility sector.

We are also thrilled to introduce to you our new Student Services and Academic Advisor 2, Sharolon Carter. She will be providing academic planning and advising support to all ETM students. Her office number and email are 509-335-5379 and sharolon@wsu.edu

Looking forward to a wonderful and productive Fall semester!

All the Best,
Luna Magpili