Old METM Requirements

As of June 7, ETM has changed its requirements for the Masters Degree. Listed below are the old requirements for the METM degree. To view the new requirements, please see our Masters Degree page.

Incoming students admitted for Fall 2024 will require the NEW CORE Program of Study. Current students prior to Fall 2024 have the choice follow the NEW CORE Program of Study or follow the OLD CORE Program of Study. Current students must send an email specifying your choice to etm@wsu.edu (cc your Advisor) by December 31, 2024.

Old Requirements:

Managing Organizations and People

E M 522Leading People and Organizations3

Managing Resources

E M 505
Finance for Technical Systems3
E M 566Trade-Off Analytics: Exploring the System Tradespace3

Managing with Analytical Methods

E M 540 Operations Research and Analytics for Managers
E M 560 Integrated Supply Chain Management3

Managing Projects

E M 564
Project Management3
E M 565 Introduction to Systems Management3
E M 595Advanced Topics in Engineering Management – Construction Project Management3

Managing Variability

E M 580 Quality Control and Reliability3
E M 585 Design of Experiments3

Managing Strategy

E M 526 Constraints Management3
E M 575 Managing Innovation: Strategy and Performance3

Master's Independent Capstone

E M 701 Options3


Students will complete the program of study with three additional courses from the classes listed above not used to satisfy the core requirements or from the following electives:
E M 508 Legal Concepts for Engineering and Technology Managers
E M 530 Applications of Constraints Management
E M 538 Lean Tools for Systems Improvement
E M 568 Risk Assessment and Management
E M 570 Systems Improvement: Integrating TOC, Lean, and Six Sigma
E M 590
Leading Design and Innovation3
E M 595 and E M 596 Topics courses that change and will be used to satisfy electives
Advanced Topics in Engineering Management – Construction Project Management